You’re sitting there, debugging a production issue at 3 AM. The error log shows something about AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'price'
. Your coffee’s cold, your eyes are burning, and you’re questioning your life choices. Welcome to the world of dynamic typing in Python!
The year is 2024, and you’re still writing Python code without type hints? Oh boy, let me tell you a story about how static typing saved my sanity (and probably my job).
The Dark Ages: Pre-Type Hints
Remember when Python was all about “duck typing”? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck – until it explodes in production because someone passed a chicken! Look at this beauty:
def calculate_price(items, discount):
total = sum(item.price for item in items)
return total * (1 - discount)
What could go wrong? Oh, just everything:
could be anything – a list, a string, your grandma’s recipe collectiondiscount
might be a float, a string, or a picture of your catitem.price
might not exist, and you’ll find out when the CEO demos the app
Enter Type Hints: The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Python 3.5+ introduced type hints, and suddenly, we had a way to catch these disasters before they hit production. Let’s fix that mess:
from typing import Sequence, Protocol
from decimal import Decimal
class PricedItem(Protocol):
def price(self) -> Decimal: ...
def calculate_price(
items: Sequence[PricedItem],
discount: float,
) -> Decimal:
if not 0 <= discount <= 1:
raise ValueError("Discount should be between 0 and 1")
return Decimal(sum(item.price for item in items) * (1 - discount))
Now your IDE lights up like Times Square when someone tries to pass invalid types. Your code reviewer can stop asking “what type is this supposed to be?” every 5 minutes.
The Magic of Type Checking
Static type checkers like mypy are like having a very pedantic friend who points out all your mistakes before you make them:
# This looks fine but...
def get_user_data(user_id: int) -> dict:
return {'name': 'John', 'age': 30}
# mypy says: "Return type should be TypedDict!"
class UserData(TypedDict):
name: str
age: int
def get_user_data_fixed(user_id: int) -> UserData:
return {'name': 'John', 'age': 30} # Now we're talking!
Real-World Benefits (Not Just Theory)
Let’s look at a practical example. Here’s a simple e-commerce cart:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional
from decimal import Decimal
class Product:
name: str
price: Decimal
stock: int = 0
class ShoppingCart:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.items: List[Product] = []
self._discount: Optional[float] = None
def add_item(self, product: Product, quantity: int = 1) -> None:
if quantity <= 0:
raise ValueError("Quantity must be positive")
if product.stock < quantity:
raise ValueError("Not enough stock")
product.stock -= quantity
for _ in range(quantity):
def total(self) -> Decimal:
return sum(item.price for item in self.items)
With type hints:
- Your IDE provides better autocomplete
- Refactoring becomes less scary
- New team members can understand the code faster
- Unit tests become easier to write
The Price of Not Using Types
Picture this: You’re maintaining a 100K line Python codebase. No type hints. A new requirement comes in. You need to modify a function that’s used in 50 different places. Good luck figuring out what data types it expects! You’ll spend more time debugging than coding.
Type hints aren’t just code decoration – they’re documentation that’s actually checked by tools. They’re like guardrails that keep you from driving off the cliff of runtime errors.
Next up in Part 2: We’ll dive into advanced typing features that’ll make your code so type-safe, it could survive a nuclear apocalypse. We’ll explore generics, protocols, and type variables that’ll make even Java developers jealous!
Advanced Python Typing
So you’ve mastered basic type hints, and now you’re feeling pretty good about yourself? Pat yourself on the back – you’re no longer writing code that explodes when someone passes a string instead of an integer. Time to level up and make those Java developers question their life choices!
Generic Types: One Size Fits None
You know what’s better than writing the same code ten times? Writing it once and making it work with any type. That’s where generics come in. Let’s start with something that’ll make your brain hurt:
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, List
from decimal import Decimal
T = TypeVar('T')
V = TypeVar('V', int, float, Decimal) # Constrained type var
class DataProcessor(Generic[T, V]):
def __init__(self, data: List[T]) -> None:
self._data = data
self._processed: List[V] = []
def process(self, transform: callable[[T], V]) -> List[V]:
return [transform(item) for item in self._data]
# Look ma, no explicit types!
processor = DataProcessor(['1', '2', '3'])
numbers = processor.process(int) # list[int]
Did your head spin? Good! That’s your brain upgrading itself. And guess what? Your IDE just became psychic – it knows exactly what types you’re working with.
Protocols: Duck Typing with a Safety Helmet
Remember duck typing? “If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…” Well, Protocols are like giving that duck a safety helmet and knee pads. Check this out:
from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable
from decimal import Decimal
class Discountable(Protocol):
def calculate_discount(self) -> Decimal: ...
def original_price(self) -> Decimal: ...
class Product:
def __init__(self, price: Decimal) -> None:
self._price = price
def original_price(self) -> Decimal:
return self._price
def calculate_discount(self) -> Decimal:
return self._price * Decimal('0.9')
def process_item(item: Discountable) -> None:
print(f"Discounted price: {item.calculate_discount()}")
# This works!
product = Product(Decimal('100'))
# This fails at runtime AND compile time!
process_item("not a product") # mypy screams in agony
Type Guards: Your Code’s Bouncer
Ever wished your code had a bouncer to check IDs before letting types in? Meet type guards – they’re like bouncers who actually know what they’re doing:
from typing import TypeGuard, Union, List
def is_list_of_ints(value: List[object]) -> TypeGuard[List[int]]:
return all(isinstance(x, int) for x in value)
def sum_integers(numbers: List[Union[int, str]]) -> int:
if is_list_of_ints(numbers):
# mypy knows numbers is List[int] here
return sum(numbers)
return sum(int(x) for x in numbers)
# Both work!
print(sum_integers([1, 2, 3]))
print(sum_integers(['1', '2', '3']))
Literal Types: When Strings Need a Strict Diet
Sometimes you don’t want any old string – you want specific strings. Literal types let you be that picky:
from typing import Literal, Union
Direction = Literal['north', 'south', 'east', 'west']
def move(direction: Direction, steps: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
match direction:
case 'north': return (0, steps)
case 'south': return (0, -steps)
case 'east': return (steps, 0)
case 'west': return (-steps, 0)
# IDE shows exactly what strings are allowed!
position = move('north', 5) # Works
position = move('up', 5) # Type error - no shortcuts allowed!
Final Forms: Making Variables Feel Special
You know how some variables should never change? Like that configuration you spent hours setting up? Final types got your back:
from typing import Final, Dict
from dataclasses import dataclass
MAX_RETRIES: Final = 3
API_ENDPOINTS: Final[Dict[str, str]] = {
'production': '',
'staging': ''
class Config:
debug: Final[bool]
api_key: Final[str]
config = Config(debug=False, api_key='secret')
config.debug = True # mypy yells: "Final attribute cannot be reassigned"
Type Aliases: For When You’re Tired of Typing
Writing complex types multiple times? That’s what copy-paste is for! Just kidding – use type aliases:
from typing import TypeAlias, Dict, List, Union, Optional
JSON: TypeAlias = Union[Dict[str, 'JSON'], List['JSON'], str, int, float, bool, None]
def parse_config(data: JSON) -> Optional[Dict[str, JSON]]:
if isinstance(data, dict):
return data
return None
# Your IDE now knows exactly what parse_config accepts!
config = parse_config({'key': [1, 2, {'nested': 'value'}]})
Coming up in Part 3: We’ll dive into pattern matching with types – where Python starts feeling like a whole new language. You’ll learn how to write code that’s so type-safe, it makes Rust developers nervous!
Pattern Matching with Types: When Python Goes Full Sherlock
Oh my, you made it to Part 3! You’ve survived basic type hints and advanced typing features. Let’s step into the world where Python turns into a detective – pattern matching with types. pulls out magnifying glass
Pattern Matching: The Detective Game
def analyze_data(data: object) -> str:
match data:
case str():
return "Just a boring string"
case list():
return "A list of... something?"
case _:
return "No idea what this is!"
That’s cute. Your five-year-old could write that. Let’s make it actually useful:
from typing import Union, List, Dict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
class Product:
name: str
price: Decimal
category: str
class Order:
items: List[Product]
customer_id: int
def analyze_order(data: Union[Order, Dict, str]) -> str:
match data:
case Order(items=items, customer_id=id) if len(items) > 5:
return f"Bulk order from customer {id}"
case Order(items=[Product(price=p, ..), *_]) if p > 100:
return "Premium order with expensive items"
case {'order_id': id, 'items': items}:
return f"Raw order data, ID: {id}"
case str() if data.startswith('ORD'):
return f"Order reference: {data}"
case _:
return "What sorcery is this?"
Look at that beauty! Pattern matching with type hints. Your IDE glows with joy. Your code reviewer sheds a tear of happiness.
Advanced Pattern Adventures
Time to show off some real magic. Let’s build something that’ll make SQL queries feel primitive:
from typing import Literal, TypedDict, Union
from datetime import datetime
class UserAction(TypedDict):
type: Literal['login', 'logout', 'purchase']
timestamp: datetime
user_id: int
data: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]
def analyze_user_activity(events: List[UserAction]) -> str:
suspicious_logins = 0
large_purchases = 0
for event in events:
match event:
case {
'type': 'login',
'timestamp': ts,
'data': {'ip': ip, 'browser': br}
} if 'Tor' in str(br):
suspicious_logins += 1
case {
'type': 'purchase',
'data': {'amount': amount}
} if float(amount) > 1000:
large_purchases += 1
return f"Found {suspicious_logins} sus logins, {large_purchases} whale purchases"
Yes, you can nest patterns like a Russian doll. No, you won’t remember how they work tomorrow.
The Grand Finale: Type-Safe State Machines
Let’s build something that’ll make your head spin – a type-safe state machine:
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Literal
State = TypeVar('State')
Event = TypeVar('Event')
class StateMachine(Generic[State, Event]):
state: State
def transition(self, event: Event) -> None:
match (self.state, event):
case (
{'type': 'submit', 'data': data}
case (
{'type': 'approve', 'user': user}
) if self._is_admin(user):
case (
{'type': 'publish'}
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid transition: {self.state} -> {event}")
def _validate_and_submit(self, data: Dict) -> None:
match data:
case {'title': str(), 'content': str()} if len(data['title']) > 0:
self.state = 'submitted'
case _:
raise ValueError("Invalid document format")
def _is_admin(self, user: Dict) -> bool:
return user.get('role') == 'admin'
def _approve(self) -> None:
self.state = 'approved'
def _publish(self) -> None:
self.state = 'published'
Look at that masterpiece! Pattern matching, type hints, and state machines had a baby.
Real-World Pattern Matching Magic
Let’s see how this looks in a real API endpoint:
from typing import Union, Literal
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
class CreateUser(BaseModel):
action: Literal['create']
username: str
email: str
class DeleteUser(BaseModel):
action: Literal['delete']
user_id: int
class UpdateUser(BaseModel):
action: Literal['update']
user_id: int
data: Dict[str, str]
UserAction = Union[CreateUser, DeleteUser, UpdateUser]
app = FastAPI()"/users")
async def handle_user_action(action: UserAction) -> Dict:
match action:
case CreateUser(username=username, email=email):
# Your IDE knows these are strings!
return {"status": "created", "username": username}
case DeleteUser(user_id=uid):
# Type checker knows uid is an integer
return {"status": "deleted", "id": uid}
case UpdateUser(user_id=uid, data=data):
# Full type safety, even in nested structures
return {"status": "updated", "id": uid, "changes": len(data)}
case _:
# This case never happens - type checker proves it!
return {"status": "error"}
Your API just became so type-safe, TypeScript is getting jealous.
That’s it! You’ve graduated from Python Type University. Your code now has more type safety than a germaphobe’s kitchen. Next time someone asks you about Python’s type system, just show them this blog and watch their brain melt.