Inheritance/ Interface/ Composition – Releasing the Ever Confusing Knot!


Terminology In layman’s terms: Interface is for “can do/can be treated as” type of relationships. Abstract ( as well as concrete ) classes are for “is a” kind of relationship. Look at these examples: Bird, Mosquito and Horse are Animals. They are related. They inherit common methods from Animal like eat(), metabolize() and reproduce(). Maybe … Read more

OOP basics: Polymorphism Explained!


Polymorphism describes the concept that objects of different types can be accessed through the same interface. Each type can provide its own, independent implementation of this interface. So; is polymorphism just “being able to perform functions of an interface, such as adding, subtracting, etc, on objects of different data types such as integers, floats, etc”? … Read more

Do you REALLY know what SOLID means? (#4: Interface Segregation Principle)

interface segragation principle

Interface Segregation The philosophy of Interface Segregation principle is – larger interfaces should be split into smaller ones. By doing so, we can ensure that implementing classes only need to be concerned about the methods that are of interest to them. The principle states that many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface. Clients … Read more

Do you REALLY know what SOLID principles means? Think again! (Part 2: O)

open closed principle

Open for Extension, Closed for Modification Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification. By doing so, we stop ourselves from modifying existing code and causing potential new bugs. What Open Close Principle wants to say is – We should be able to add new functionality without touching the existing code for the … Read more

Do you REALLY know what SOLID means? (#1: Single Responsibility Principle)

Single Responsibility Principle

Single Responsibility Principle: Do one thing and do it well!This principle states that a class should only have one responsibility. Furthermore, it should only have one reason to change. SRP, like most principles out there, can be over-applied. If we create a new class for incrementing integers, then yeah, that may be a single responsibility, … Read more