Unlock the Fantastic Secrets: 6 Mind-Blowing Functional Programming Concepts You Actually Need to Master in JavaScript


Hey there, fellow code enthusiasts! Grab your favorite caffeinated beverage and get comfy, because we’re about to embark on a mind-bending journey into the world of functional programming in JavaScript. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Functional programming? Isn’t that just for academic types and hipster developers?” Well, buckle up, buttercup, because I’m about to … Read more

Master JavaScript: Killer FAQ to Ace Next Interview Now


Explain the differences between let, var, and const in JavaScript. In JavaScript, let, var, and const are used to declare variables. The main differences between them are in their scope and their ability to reassign values: How does event bubbling and capturing work in JavaScript? In JavaScript, event bubbling and capturing refer to the two … Read more

New Advanced JS Treasure: Prototypal inheritance, WebSockets, WebRTC

Single Responsibility Principle

Advanced JS techniques and concepts like Prototypal inheritence, websockets and WebRTC can be used to create more complex and powerful web applications. Prototypal inheritance is a way of creating objects in JavaScript that is based on prototyping, rather than classes. WebSockets are a web technology that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. … Read more

JavaScript is Awesome -New Thunk and Currying Hack!


Thunk A thunk usually refers to a small piece of code that is called as a function; does some small thing; and then JUMPs to another location; which is usually a function; instead of returning to its caller. Assuming the JUMP target is a normal function, when it returns, it will return to the thunk’s caller. The word … Read more

Unlock JS: Powerful REST and SPREAD Magic You Need to Know

three dots

In JavaScript, the rest operator (also called the spread operator) allows us to represent an indefinite number of elements as an array. It’s a helpful tool that can make our code more concise and easier to read. Rest and Spread is quintessential for JS.Here’s an example of how the rest operator works: In this example, … Read more