Coding Adventures: The Truth About Programming Outside Tutorials, Part 5


Programming tutorials shows us a land of promise where everything happens as you think; as soon as you think. But real world doesn’t work that way most of the times. Here; you spend hours debugging some CORS error or thinking why your database table Id column is not auto-incrementing. For the last 2 days; I am participating … Read more

Coding Adventures: The Truth About Programming Outside Tutorials, Part 4


Programming tutorials shows us a land of promise where everything happens as you think; as soon as you think. But real world doesn’t work that way most of the times. Here; you spend hours debugging some CORS error or thinking why your database table Id column is not auto-incrementing. For the last 2 days; I … Read more

Coding Adventures: The Truth About Programming Outside Tutorials, Part 3


Programming tutorials shows us a land of promise where everything happens as you think; as soon as you think. But real world doesn’t work that way most of the times. Here; you spend hours debugging some CORS error or thinking why your database table Id column is not auto-incrementing. For the last 2 days; I … Read more

Coding Adventures: The Truth About Programming Outside Tutorials, Part 2


Programming tutorials shows us a land of promise where everything happens as you think; as soon as you think. But real world doesn’t work that way most of the times. Here; you spend hours debugging some CORS error or thinking why your database table Id column is not auto-incrementing. For the last 2 days; I … Read more

Coding Adventures: The Truth About Programming Outside Tutorials, Part 1


Programming tutorials shows us a land of promise where everything happens as you think; as soon as you think. But real world doesn’t work that way most of the times. Here; you spend hours debugging some CORS error or thinking why your database table Id column is not auto-incrementing. For the last 2 days; I … Read more