A Simple New Guide To ASP.NET routing – let’s redirect!


Redirect relates to the routing In ASP.NET. There are two different ways to routing; or changing the current requests endpoint:Rewrite the current URL andRedirect to an external URL.These two tasks are similar but yet different in their execution. Routing in ASP.Net Routing in ASP.NET works by mapping incoming URL requests to specific controller actions. When … Read more

Unlock JS: Powerful REST and SPREAD Magic You Need to Know

three dots

In JavaScript, the rest operator (also called the spread operator) allows us to represent an indefinite number of elements as an array. It’s a helpful tool that can make our code more concise and easier to read. Rest and Spread is quintessential for JS.Here’s an example of how the rest operator works: In this example, … Read more

JavaScript Generators Magic and Their Use Case: Everything Yield Need To Know


JavaScript generators is an amazing and brilliant concept; yet it’s very confusing when to use them. They let us write infinite loops that terminate. The yield values from functions before they finish and build lazy data structures. The magic lies in the ability of generators functions to be paused and then resumed again. But before … Read more

Git Merge and Rebase: Everything You Need To Know

git merge and rebase

Git rebase solves the same problem as git merge. Both git merge and rebase are used to integrate changes from one branch into another branch – they just do it in different ways; and it’s important to know the difference. Hey there, fellow coders! Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s caused many a headache … Read more